Transmission repair manual, 700-R4 / 4L60 1982-86 (ONLY AVAILABLE ON MINI CD)


ATSG automatic transmission repair manual, Disassembly, inspection and assembly sections. Diagnosis, testing and lot of pictures
GM THM 700-R4 Transmission (1982 to 1986)found in many domestic vehicles. Covers assembly, dis-assembly, diagnosis, and troubleshooting.
Note: There have been many engineering changes in this transmission since its introduction. ATSG also has available an”Update Handbook” which includes the many changes and is required along with this manual for a proper overhaul or repair

SKU: 74400


ATSG automatic transmission repair manual, Disassembly, inspection and assembly sections. Diagnosis, testing and lot of pictures
GM THM 700-R4 Transmission (1982 to 1986)found in many domestic vehicles. Covers assembly, dis-assembly, diagnosis, and troubleshooting.
Note: There have been many engineering changes in this transmission since its introduction. ATSG also has available an”Update Handbook” which includes the many changes and is required along with this manual for a proper overhaul or repair


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